Cadence Emilia Bailey

Born December 21, 2004

8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long

Cadence is now nine and a half weeks old

She has the cutest cheeks!

Hmm... wonder if I could eat those guitar picks

I can't see you behind that flashy thing, Mom!

Hanging out with big sister at nine weeks old

Wow two months already... how time does fly!

Here's Cadence enjoying her fist at 8 weeks old

Cadence in her new outfit... 3 to 6 month size!

She doesn't look thrilled to be having her picture taken

I thought she looked so funny here all straight and stiff

Out for a busy day of playing with big brother and sister... boy do they wear me out

Cadence enjoying her swing with big sister, Charlotte

Cadence is seeing things much clearer now

< More recent pictures

Earlier picures>



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