Cadence Emilia Bailey

Born December 21, 2004

8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long

Cadence on Salibury beach with us in August 2005

She loved the sand!

She WAS sleeping... "Get me outta here!"

This was a nice shot Brian took when we were at Thomas point beach.

Here are the kids at Bailey Island and, on the right, all of us at Thomas Point Beach

Taking a harbor tour off of Bailey Island. Cadence loved the boat ride.

Here's Cadence smiling pretty with her sister, Charlotte.

She sure is proud of those teeth!

She loves creeping around the livingroom holding onto stuff.... won't be long till she's off and running.

Such loving sisters.... I hope they stay this close with one another.

Cadence watching one of Coleman's soccer games...can you tell she has the sniffles.

Cadence bathing with Charlotte... what fun!

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