Cadence Emilia Bailey

Born December 21, 2004

8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long

Cadence in Mom's bed a few hours after being born

Our third birth experience... Quick Cadence

About 2am on Tuesday morning (Dec 21st) I felt a little trickle and I knew my water had broken. Immediately I felt the contractions coming on and I layed in bed timing them for about fifteen minutes. They weren't real hard, but they were only three minutes apart lasting a minute right from the start and I knew things were going to move fast.... I just didn't realize how fast.

I woke Brian up with gentle back rub and asked him if he'd had enough sleep because we would be having to go to the hospital soon. He got right up and started getting dressed. I told him we'd have time to shower thinking it would be hours before hard labor started, but right about the time I got shampoo in my hair, I realized I had made a mistake because the contractions were now coming hard and fast. There was no turning back though so we quickly got cleaned up, threw on some clothes and called the doctor.

Dr. Rotolo was off that day for some reason so we were referred to the on call doctor who was really taking her time calling back so I had Brian call back, twice, and the third time I told him just to leave his cell number because we HAD TO leave IMMEDIATELY. Just when we were about to run out the door, the doctor called back and wanted to talk to me.

So here I am panting and leaning on the kitchen counter, barely able to stand and Brian hands me the phone and says "Sorry, babe, but she wants to talk to you". I grasp the phone, holding it unsteadily to my ear and grunt out a hello, while still panting heavily into the reciever. The doctor starts asking me questions about how my labor is going and my short, quick, nearly unintelligable replies finally get the message across that I have to get to the hospital NOW. She agrees to meet us there.

Brian grabs some blankets and the baby car seat, just in case we don't make it, then quickly helps me shuffle down the icy stairs and climb into the Astro. He looks down at the gas guage and then, with the sorriest expression, looks at me, as I lay fully reclined in the passenger seat gripping the armrests with my feet braced against the wheelwell, and he tells me it's completely empty so we had to stop for gas on the way. We thought about taking the truck but there was no way I could have sat up in the truck seat at this point.

After stopping for gas, dodging a few whacky early-morning drivers and blowing off one redlight that took just abit too long to change, we finally arrived at the hospital and parked as close as we could to the entrance. Brian hopped out and came around to help me out of the van. I stood there breathing through contractions as Brian grabbed our bag and the camera, then held onto him tightly so we could shuffle across the icy wlkway to the door. I had lost all concept of time and couldn't feel anything but the contractions, but Brian said it took us a few minutes ot get to the door because we had to stop for a couple contractions and it was five degrees out so he was just as eager to get inside the hospital as I was. However, when we got to the entrance, there stood a sandwichboard telling us that the door was locked between 5pm and 8am so, since it was 4:40 in the morning, we would have to enter through the emergency entrance. Brian swore to himself and said we'd need to get back in the van. I wimpered to him that I couldn't walk back and stood stiffly in the freezing parking lot as he urged me to move toward the van.

Again we did the slow shuffle across the ice stopping for contractions and losing precious minutes. I rolled into the passenger seat again and gripped one armrest with both hands. Brian eased me out of the van and helped me into a wheelchair at the emergency entrance. He yelled to someone that he was leaving the van out front, but I insisted that he park it right then so he would not have to come back downstairs. He would have missed everything if he'd had to go back and park the Astro and I kind of needed his help. He was back in a flash and rolled me as fast as he could to the elevator and then up to labor and delivery.

The nurses let us in at 4:44am and Brian updated them on my labor status as we wheeled into room seven. I could barely sit and as soon as I stood up out of the wheel chair I could feel the baby's head pressing hard in my pelvis. The nurse pointed to the bathroom and instructed me to change into a johnny, but I just took my pants off right there and rolled into the bed. Brian helped me with my shoes and shirt and layed the johnny over me while the nurse annouced that she was going to check my dialation. She looked down at me and saw Cadence's head crowning. "Whoa....kay, we need a doctor in here!" she yelled to another nurse who in turn hollered to an adjacent room where the doctor apparently was.

"Don't push yet, breathe thorugh it" she told me. But there was no breathing through it, she was coming out no matter how much I tried to hold back. I apologized for not being able to hold back as the baby's head came all the way out. Just then the doctor ran in as the nurses eased the rest of her out. Cadence Emilia Bailey was officially here at 4:48am. The doctor placed her on my chest and I smiled at her as she was being wiped clean. "Wow, a four mintue baby" the nurses exclaimed "that's the third one we've had tonight"

The room emptied after all the excitement was over and Brian and I sat admiring our little girl for nearly two hours without interruption. It was one of the the greatest moments of my life. Thank you Cadence. We love you!

Mom and Dad with the new little bundle

Cadence after we got home from the hospital

Cadence being held by Grammy, Charlotte and Mom


Charlotte holding her baby sister for the first time


Grampy and Coleman holding Cadence


Everyone is so excited to have a new baby girl in the family


Even earlier picures>

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